Start Using these Communication Techniques to Strengthen Your Relationships

Start Using these Communication Techniques to Strengthen Your Relationships


Are you looking for ways to strengthen the relationships in your life? Communication is the key to achieving this goal, and this article will provide you with 5 easy-to-follow techniques that can help you create deeper connections with your loved ones. From nonverbal cues to being assertive, these communication tips are sure to make a positive impact on your relationships.

What is Effective Communication?

In order to have strong relationships, effective communication is key. But what exactly is effective communication? Effective communication is when both parties involved feel heard and understood. It involves active listening, being present in the moment, and being respectful. These are just a few of the things that you can do to make sure that your communication with others is effective. 

When communicating with others, it’s important to be aware of your body language and tone of voice. Your words are only a small part of communication – 55% of communication is body language, and 38% is tone of voice. So if you’re crossing your arms or rolling your eyes, even if you’re saying the right words, your body language and tone of voice are giving off different messages. 

It’s also important to be an active listener. This means that when someone else is talking, you’re not just waiting for your turn to talk – you’re truly listening to what they’re saying. This can be difficult in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with distractions, but it’s important to try to be present in the moment when communicating with others. 

Finally, effective communication requires respect. This means showing courtesy and thoughtfulness towards others, even if you don’t agree with them. It also means speaking calmly and avoiding put-downs or hurtful comments.

Body Language/Non-Verbal Cues

Since most of what we communicate is through body language, it’s important to be aware of the messages you’re sending with your posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures. The way you carry yourself can make a big impression on others and affect the way they perceive you.

If you want to come across as confident and competent, stand up straight with your shoulders back. Make eye contact when you’re speaking to someone, and keep your face relaxed and open. Avoid crossing your arms or legs, which can make you seem defensive or unapproachable.

When you’re listening to someone, nod your head occasionally to show that you’re paying attention. Lean in slightly and maintain good eye contact. This will help the other person feel like you’re really engaged in the conversation.

Smiling is another important non-verbal cue that can make a big difference in the way you interact with others. Smile when you greet someone, even if you don’t feel like it. A genuine smile can make you seem friendly and approachable, and it can put the other person at ease.

Active Listening

Active listening is a communication technique that involves hearing and understanding the speaker, as well as responding in a way that shows you have heard and understood them. It can be used in both personal and professional relationships to improve communication, build trust, and resolve conflict. 

When actively listening, it is important to pay attention not only to the words that are being said, but also to the body language and tone of voice of the speaker. This will help you to understand the complete message they are trying to communicate. In order to respond effectively, you should restate what you have heard in your own words, without judgement or interpretation. This will let the speaker know that you have truly understood them. 

Active listening takes practice and patience, but it is a valuable skill that can make a big difference in your relationships. By making an effort to really listen to what others are saying, you can build stronger, more meaningful connections with the people in your life.


Paraphrasing is one such technique. When we paraphrase, we repeat back what we have heard, in our own words. This allows us to check that we have understood the other person correctly, and it also gives the other person the opportunity to clarify anything that they feel we may have misunderstood.

Paraphrasing can also be used as a way of showing that we are digesting what the other person is saying. It demonstrates that we are taking an interest in their point of view and are willing to engage with them in a meaningful conversation.

When paraphrasing, it is important to avoid simply regurgitating what the other person has said verbatim. Instead, take the time to really think about what they have said and how you can best express it in your own words. This will show that you are taking the time to process their words and are not just repeating them back without giving them any thought. 

And if what you paraphrase is not what the speaker has intended to say, great! You’ve now created an opportunity for the speaker to clarify so you both may continue the conversation on the same page.

Be Assertive

What is assertiveness in communication? Assertiveness is the ability to express yourself clearly and stand up for your own needs and beliefs, while also respecting the needs and beliefs of others. It’s a balance of being honest about what you want and need, while also listening to and understanding the wants and needs of others.

Why is assertiveness important in relationships? When we are assertive in our communication, we are more likely to get our needs met, feel heard and respected by our loved ones, and have healthier relationships overall. Assertive communication can help prevent misunderstandings and conflict in relationships.

How can you be more assertive in your communication? Here are some tips:

Be clear about what you want or need. When expressing yourself, use “I” statements such as “I need” or “I want.” This will help the other person understand what it is that you are asking for or needing from them.

Be specific. Instead of saying “You never listen to me,” try “I feel like I wasn’t heard when…”

“I” statements can help reduce defensive reactions in the person we’re communicating with, and can make it more likely that they’ll be open to hearing what we have to say.

 Asking the Right Questions

Questions that are open-ended, honest, and sensitive show that you care about the other person and want to understand them better. On the other hand, questions that are vague, leading, or personal can make the other person feel like you’re not really interested in them.

Here are some tips for asking questions that will help build strong relationships:

1. Make sure your questions are open-ended.

Asking closed-ended questions (questions that can be answered with a yes or no) doesn’t give the other person a chance to really share their thoughts and feelings. Instead, try to ask questions that require more than a one-word answer. For example:

“How was your day?” “What are you thinking about?” “How do you feel about that?”

2. Be honest about your own feelings and experiences.

Don’t be afraid to share your own feelings and experiences in response to the other person’s answers. This shows that you’re open and willing to connect on a deeper level. It also allows the other person to feel more comfortable sharing their own thoughts and feelings with you.

For example: “I felt so frustrated when my boss yelled at me today.” “I know how you feel, I’ve been there too.”


Improving communication skills takes a bit of time, effort, and transparency. But trust me, the payoff is totally worth it! When we put in the work to communicate effectively, our relationships become stronger and more fulfilling. And not just that, we get a better understanding of each other’s roles and perspectives, leading to greater harmony and understanding. So, let’s give it a shot and see the amazing results!