The Ultimate Guide to Bullet Journaling: Tips, Tricks, and Benefits

The Ultimate Guide to Bullet Journaling: Tips, Tricks, and Benefits

What is Bullet Journaling?

Have you heard of bullet journaling? It’s a powerful tool for staying organized, managing your time, and boosting your creativity.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals, then a bullet journal might be just what you need.

So, what exactly is a bullet journal? At its core, it’s a flexible and customizable system for organizing your life. It’s a combination of a planner, journal, and to-do list, all in one.

With a bullet journal, you can track your daily tasks, schedule appointments and events, plan for long-term goals, and jot down your thoughts and ideas.

One of the great things about a bullet journal is that it’s highly adaptable to your needs and preferences.

You can use any type of notebook or journal, and design your layouts and pages however you like. You can even incorporate different colors, fonts, and decorations to make it more personalized and fun.

The History and Popularity of Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling was first introduced by Ryder Carroll in 2013.

As a digital product designer, Ryder sought to create a flexible system for tracking tasks, goals, and notes that could adapt to his needs. He refined his approach over time and ultimately released the bullet journal system to the public as an analog productivity tool.

Since then, bullet journals have exploded in popularity.

It’s easy to see why: bullet journaling is an incredibly versatile system that can be customized to suit the needs of the individual user.

One of the reasons that bullet journals have become so popular is the wide range of customization options. With a bullet journal, you can design a layout that works best for you, including sections for habit trackers, gratitude lists, weekly or monthly spreads, and more.

Plus, the analog nature of bullet journals allows for a break from screens and technology, which can be a welcome change for many.

But a bullet journal is not just a productivity tool – it’s also a creative outlet.

With the ability to customize every page and spread, a bullet journal allows for self-expression and artistic creativity. The act of creating a beautiful and functional bullet journal can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

How to Start a Bullet Journal

stickers are essential when looking at how to start a bullet journal

Bullet Journal Supplies

I’m going to share my favorite bullet journal supplies and give you some tips on how to choose the right ones for you.


First and foremost, you’ll need a new bullet journal. When it comes to choosing a journal for bullet journaling, there are a few key things to look for.

You’ll want a journal that has thick, high-quality paper that won’t bleed through when you use markers or pens. You’ll also want a journal that lies flat when opened, which will make it easier to write and draw in.

My personal favorite journal is the Leuchtturm1917. It’s available in a range of colors and sizes, and the paper quality is excellent.

Other popular options include the Rhodia Goalbook and the Moleskine Classic Notebook.

Some people will opt to bullet journal digitally (in which case you won’t need supplies other than a tablet and a digital pen).


Next, you’ll need writing utensils.

The pens you choose will depend on your personal preference and the type of writing or drawing you’ll be doing in your bullet journal. I prefer using fine-tipped pens, such as the Sakura Pigma Micron, for smooth writing.

For coloring or drawing, I like to use Tombow Dual Brush Pens, which are great for creating gradients and blending colors.


In addition to pens, you may also want to invest in some highlighters or markers to help you color-code your entries or add emphasis to important items.

The Zebra Mildliner Highlighters are a popular choice for bullet journaling, as they come in a variety of colors and have mild, non-bleed ink.

Tape and Stickers

Finally, bullet journalers love washi tape and stickers!

These can be great for adding some personality and flair to your bullet journal pages.

I recommend checking out Etsy for some unique and high-quality washi tape and sticker options.

Step by Step Guide to Starting a Bullet Journal

layouts are essential when looking at how to start a bullet journal

Starting a bullet journal is a creative process, but here are some general steps you can follow to get started:

Choose your journal:

Select a journal with dotted or grid pages, which will help you create a structured layout for your bullet journal. (I personally don’t like lined paper for creative journaling). You can use any type of notebook or planner, but it should be durable enough to withstand daily use.

Create an index:

The first page or few pages of your bullet journal should be reserved for index pages. Index pages will help you keep track of various sections and pages in your journal, making it easy to find what you need.

Set up a future log:

A future log is a place to record important events and deadlines that are further out in the future. These include birthdays or vacations. This can be a simple two-page spread, with each page representing six months.

Create monthly spreads:

Each month, set up a new spread that includes a monthly calendar and a task list for the month. You can also include space for goals, reflections, or other notes related to the month.

Create weekly spreads:

Set up a weekly spread for each week of the month. You can also include space for goals, reflections, or other notes related here as well. Create your planning system that lets you break down goals into smaller actionable pieces to get done each week.

Use daily logs:

The core of the bullet journaling system is the daily log, which records daily tasks, events, and notes. You can use a simple bullet system to indicate whether a task is completed, migrated to another day, or scheduled for a future date.

Customize your bullet journal:

The beauty of bullet journaling is that you can make it as simple or as complex as you like. Consider adding collection pages, such as habit trackers or gratitude lists, to your journal to make it more personalized and meaningful to you.

Remember, the key to a successful bullet journal is to make it work for you. Experiment with different layouts and techniques to find what works best for your needs and lifestyle.

Bullet Journaling System

learn how to start a bullet journal

Daily logs

The daily log is the heart of the bullet journaling system. It’s where you record your tasks, events, and notes for each day in a rapid, concise format.

The goal is to have a clear picture of what you need to accomplish each day, without getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

To create a daily log, start by writing the date at the top of the page. Then, list your tasks for the day using bullet points.

You can use a simple bullet system to indicate whether a task is completed, migrated to another day, or scheduled for a future date. For example, you might use a dot bullet to represent an incomplete task, an “X” to represent a completed task, and a right-facing arrow bullet to represent a migrated task.

In addition to tasks, you can also include events and notes in your daily log.

Use a circle bullet to represent an event, such as a meeting or appointment. Use a dash bullet to represent a note, such as a reminder or idea. You can also add a time or priority indicator to each task, to help you manage your time more effectively.

At the end of each day, take a few minutes to review your daily log.

Mark any completed tasks with an “X” bullet, and migrate any unfinished tasks to a new day, week, or month. This process will help you stay on top of your tasks and prioritize them appropriately.

Some people like to include additional information in their daily pages, such as weather, mood, or meal planning. Others prefer to keep it simple and focus on the essentials.

Weekly logs

A weekly log is a spread that is essentially a weekly calendar. It contains all of the tasks and events for a given week, typically organized by day of the week.

Some people prefer to create their weekly log at the beginning of the week, while others prefer to create it as they go.

The weekly log is a great way to get an overview of what’s coming up and to plan your time accordingly.

Monthly logs

A monthly log is a spread that contains significant events and tasks for the entire month.

It is typically created at the beginning of each month and serves as a reference point for the weeks to come. Some people also use their monthly pages to track habits, goals, or other metrics.

The key to effective weekly and monthly pages is to strike a balance between detail and simplicity.

You want to include enough information to be useful, but not so much that you get overwhelmed or bogged down. Experiment with different layouts and styles to find what works best for you, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed.

Future logs

A future log is a spread in a bullet journal that is used to keep track of events, tasks, or deadlines that occur beyond the current month.

It’s a useful tool for planning ahead and making sure important dates don’t get overlooked.

Typically, a future log is created at the beginning of the journal and is located before the monthly spreads. It’s usually composed of two pages that represent six months each. But the layout can be adjusted to suit individual preferences.

To set up a future log, divide the two pages into six sections, with each section representing one month. Then, write down any events, appointments, or deadlines that you’re aware of for each month.

Some people use symbols or color-coding to distinguish between different types of events, such as birthdays, holidays, or work deadlines.

It’s important to review your future log regularly, especially as you approach the end of each month. This will help you to transfer any upcoming events or tasks to your monthly or daily logs, ensuring that you’re prepared and not caught off-guard.

The future log is a great way to keep your long-term goals and plans in sight. It can help you to maintain a sense of direction and purpose in your life.


In addition to the daily, monthly, and future logs, bullet journaling also includes the use of collections.

Collections are groupings of related information that are recorded in one place for easy reference. Use this to track habits, make lists, set goals, or just about anything else you can think of.

Some common types of collections include:

Habit tracker: Use this to track daily habits, such as drinking water, exercising, or reading. You can create a grid or chart to mark off each day that you complete the habit. (Read more on how to create habits and stick to them)

Gratitude list: Use this to record things you are grateful for, which can help cultivate a positive mindset and increase happiness.

Bucket list: Use this to record things you want to do or achieve in your lifetime, such as traveling to a specific destination or learning a new skill.

Brain dump: Use this to record all of the thoughts and ideas that come to mind, without worrying about organization or structure. They can be helpful for clearing your mind and getting everything down on paper.

Reading list: Use this to record books you want to read, or books you have already read. You can also include notes or reviews of each book.

Collections can be added to your bullet journal at any time, and can be as simple or complex as you like. Whatever you choose to use, personalize to suit your specific interests and needs.

Using collections in your bullet journal can be a helpful way to keep related information in one place and make it easy to find when you need it.

Customizing your bullet journal

When looking at how to start a bullet journal, there aren’t wrong ways. You can essentially do whatever you want and however you want.

The system is based on a simple concept: each entry in the journal is represented by a bullet, which indicates the type of information being recorded.

For example, a dot bullet represents a task, a circle bullet represents an event, and a dash bullet represents a note.

By using a bullet system, it’s easy to quickly scan through your journal and find the information you need.

One of the key features of the bullet journaling system is the use of “rapid logging,” which involves writing down tasks and events as quickly as possible, without worrying about formatting or grammar.

This helps to capture all of the important information without getting bogged down in details.

Another important element of the bullet journaling system is the use of “migration,” which involves reviewing your daily logs and moving unfinished tasks to a new day, week, or month.

This helps to ensure that important tasks don’t fall through the cracks and are prioritized appropriately.

The bullet journaling system is highly customizable, which is one of its biggest advantages. You can adapt it to your own needs and preferences, adding or removing spreads, collections, or trackers as needed.

Some people use their bullet journal as a daily planner, while others use it as a creative outlet for drawing, coloring, or lettering.

Benefits of bullet journaling

Improved productivity and organization

By having all of your tasks, events, and notes in one place, you can easily keep track of what needs to be done and when. This can help you stay focused and motivated, and ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

The bullet journaling system is simple and efficient, which can help to reduce the mental load of keeping track of everything in your head.

By using rapid logging and migration, you can capture information quickly and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

In addition, bullet journaling can help you stay organized in other areas of your life, such as meal planning, exercise tracking, or habit formation.

By creating spreads or collections for these activities, you can ensure that you’re making progress towards your goals and building good habits.

Mental health benefits

The process of setting up and using a bullet journal can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm.

Here are a few ways that bullet journaling can have a positive impact on mental health:

  1. Improved mindfulness: The process of rapid logging can help to cultivate mindfulness by encouraging you to stay in the present moment and focus on the task at hand.
  2. Creative expression: Many people use their bullet journal as a creative outlet, adding drawings, stickers, or color to their pages. This can help to reduce stress and provide a sense of relaxation and enjoyment.
  3. Gratitude practice: A bullet journal can be a great place to record moments of gratitude or positive experiences. This can help to shift your focus to the good things in life and promote a more positive outlook.
  4. Self-reflection: The process of reviewing your bullet journal on a regular basis can help to increase self-awareness and promote personal growth. By reflecting on your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement, you can gain valuable insights and take steps towards a more fulfilling life.

Improved time management

By using a single notebook to record all of your tasks, events, and notes, you can keep a clear and comprehensive overview of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule.

Bullet journaling can help you break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.

Use these breakdowns by planning when you can take these actionable steps towards your goals and be mindful of how you are using your time.

By setting goals and breaking them down into actionable tasks, you can make progress toward your objectives in a structured and measurable way.

And by planning ahead for when you’ll take these steps, not only will you hit your goals, but you’ll master time management.

Increased creativity

One way that bullet journaling can boost your creativity is by encouraging you to experiment with different layouts, designs, and techniques.

Because the system is so flexible, you can customize your journal to reflect your own unique style and preferences. This can involve using different colors, fonts, and drawings to create a visually appealing and engaging journal that inspires you.

Bullet journaling can also help you to connect with your creativity on a deeper level by providing a space for reflection, brainstorming, and idea generation.

By jotting down your thoughts, goals, and dreams, you can spark new ideas and insights that might not have emerged otherwise.

This process of introspection can be particularly valuable for people who are seeking to find their creative voice or overcome creative blocks.

Start Bullet Journaling

Whether you prefer to write things down in a notebook or use a digital version of the bullet journal, there are many options available to suit your needs and preferences.

Now that you know how to start a bullet journal, the key is to find a system that works for you and to stick with it over time.

If you’re new to bullet journaling, consider looking for a community of like-minded individuals who can offer tips, inspiration, and support along the way. There are many online forums, social media groups, and in-person meetups where you can connect with other bullet journalers and learn from their experiences.

Above all, remember that bullet journaling is not about perfection, but progress.

It’s about finding a system that helps you to live your best life, and using it to make positive changes and achieve your goals.

So don’t be afraid to experiment, try new things, and make your bullet journal your own.