The Best Self Care Sunday Ideas to Take On the Week Ahead

The Best Self Care Sunday Ideas to Take On the Week Ahead

What Are Self Care Sundays?

Self Care Sundays are a way to prioritize self-care and relaxation on Sundays, in order to start the new week feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. If you’re curious about what the possibilities are, you’ll be happy to find that self care Sunday ideas are endless!

The idea behind this weekly ritual is to take a few moments for yourself and do things that make you feel good, both physically and mentally. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, reading, or simply taking a long bubble bath.

Why is Self-Care Sunday important?

Self Care Sundays are an important way to counteract the stress and demands of daily life. With the fast pace of modern life, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of our own needs.

Self Care Sundays give you an opportunity to step back and recharge, so you can tackle the new week with a clear mind and renewed energy.

Incorporating Self Care Sundays into your routine can have numerous benefits, including reduced stress, improved mental and physical health, increased creativity and productivity, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

So, why not make Self Care Sundays a part of your weekly routine and start prioritizing your self-care today? Read on for the endless self care Sunday ideas and see which ones you want to try!

Self care Sunday Ideas

At-Home Spa Day:

Take a bath with essential oils and candles:

Taking a long, relaxing bath with essential oils and candles is a great way to unwind and practice self-care. Essential oils have a range of therapeutic benefits, such as reducing stress and promoting relaxation, and candles can help to create a calming and soothing atmosphere.

DIY Facial and Hair Treatment:

Give yourself a DIY facial or hair treatment using natural ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, or avocado. These treatments can help to improve the appearance and health of your skin and hair, and they’re a great way to take care of yourself at home.

Yoga or Meditation Practice:

Practicing yoga or meditation can help to clear your mind, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, taking time for a yoga or meditation session on Self-Care Sunday can help you start the week feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Face Mask or Hair Mask:

Using a face mask or hair mask is a simple and effective way to give your skin a boost of hydration and nutrients. There is a wide range of face masks and hair masks available, from hydrating sheet masks to charcoal masks that help to detoxify your skin. Choose a mask that’s right for your hair or skin type, and relax while the mask does its work.

Outdoor Activities:

Go for a nature walk or hike in a nearby park:

Spending time in nature has been shown to have a number of benefits for both mental and physical health. Going for a walk or hike in a nearby park can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and boost energy levels. Plus, it’s a great way to get some exercise and fresh air.

Practice gardening or planting in your backyard:

Gardening is a relaxing and fulfilling hobby that can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Whether you have a large backyard or just a small balcony, you can create a beautiful outdoor space for yourself and enjoy the benefits of being surrounded by greenery. Gardening and planting can also help to increase your sense of pride and accomplishment as you watch your plants grow and flourish.

Take a picnic at the beach or park and enjoy some time in the sun:

Spending time outdoors in the sun can help to improve mood and boost vitamin D levels, which is important for overall health. Taking a picnic to the beach or park is a great way to enjoy some time in the sun and get away from the distractions of daily life. Pack some healthy snacks and drinks, bring a blanket or beach chairs, and enjoy some quiet time surrounded by nature.

Relaxation and Mindfulness:

self care sunday ideas

Read a good book in a cozy nook:

Pick a book that you’ve been wanting to read for a while or one that has received positive reviews. Create a cozy reading nook by adding some comfortable pillows, a blanket, and a table lamp to your favorite reading spot.

Make sure the lighting is appropriate and that the temperature is comfortable. Set aside some time for just reading and allow yourself to get lost in the story. Reading is a great way to escape reality, reduce stress, and improve your mental health.

Try coloring or painting for a creative outlet:

Coloring and painting can be a therapeutic activity that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Choose coloring books specifically designed for adults or purchase some canvases and paints.

Find a quiet, comfortable spot and allow yourself to be creative and free. There are no rules, just let the colors and brush strokes flow. And, you can even listen to some calming music to enhance the experience.

Listen to a guided meditation or nature sounds for relaxation:

Guided meditations and nature sounds can be a great way to relax, calm your mind, and reduce stress. Find a quiet spot and lie down or sit comfortably. Put on your headphones and close your eyes.

Focus on your breath and allow yourself to be guided by meditation or nature sounds. You can also try some deep breathing exercises or visualization techniques to further enhance the experience.


Treat yourself to a massage or pedicure:

One of the best ways to practice self care is by treating yourself to some much-deserved pampering. Massages and pedicures are both great options for relaxing and rejuvenating the mind and body. Massages can help to relieve tension and stress, while pedicures can improve circulation and give you a boost of confidence. Whether you choose a massage or pedicure (or both!), make sure to take some time for yourself and let the professional work their magic.

Get a new haircut or try a new hairstyle:

A change in hairstyle can have a big impact on your overall appearance and confidence. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, try getting a new haircut or experimenting with a new hairstyle. Whether you go for a drastic change or simply tweak your current style, a new haircut or hairstyle can be a fun way to express yourself and feel refreshed.

Visit a spa for a full day of pampering:

If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution for self care, a spa day may be just what you need. A spa day typically includes a variety of treatments, such as massages, facials, and body treatments, all designed to help you relax and rejuvenate. Take a day off from the stress of your daily life and treat yourself to a full day of pampering and self care.

Fitness and Wellness:

self care Sunday ideas

Take a fitness class or go to the gym:

Exercising is a great way to take care of your physical and mental health. If you’re looking for a fun and challenging workout, try taking a fitness class. With so many options – spinning, yoga, or even pilates – taking a class can be a great way to get your heart rate up and try something new. If you’re more of a solitary exerciser, head to the gym and get your sweat on. You’ll definitely leave feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the week ahead.

Try a new healthy recipe:

Eating healthy is a key component of self care. Why not try a new healthy recipe or two this week? It could be anything from a delicious salad to a hearty veggie stir fry, but trying new healthy recipes can help keep things interesting in the kitchen – especially if you’re struggling to enjoy eating healthy.

Start a new workout or yoga routine:

We already talked about taking a class or going to the gym. To add to that, specifically make an effort to try something new. Trying a new workout or yoga routine can be a fun and effective way to switch up your self care routine. A new workout or yoga routine can be a great way to challenge yourself and improve your overall health.

Spend time outside whether at the park or on the sidewalk:

Being outside in the fresh air and sunshine can help to boost your mood and improve your energy levels. The natural light from the sun can help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote a healthy sleep-wake cycle, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

In addition to the physical benefits, spending time outside can also have a calming effect on the mind. The sights and sounds of nature can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and the simple act of being outside can help you disconnect from the distractions of daily life and focus on the present moment. So take that long walk or play fetch with you pup at the park!

Personal Growth:

Take an online course or workshop to learn a new skill:

Personal and professional growth is a key component of self care. Taking an online course or workshop to learn a new skill can help you broaden your knowledge, improve your skills, and boost your confidence. You might be interested in learning a new hobby, such as photography or cooking, or even developing a new professional skill, such as digital marketing or project management. Whatever it may be, there’s definitely an online course or workshop that can help you achieve your goals.

Write in a journal to reflect on your thoughts and feelings:

Writing in a journal is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. Not only can it be very cathartic, but it’s also a space for you to process your thoughts and feelings, set goals, and track your progress. By writing in a journal regularly, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your experiences, and identify areas for improvement and growth.

Set new personal or professional goals for the upcoming week:

Setting goals is an important step towards both personal and professional growth. Whether you’re looking to improve your fitness, advance in your career, or develop a new hobby, setting goals can help you focus your efforts and stay motivated. Consider setting new personal or professional goals for the upcoming week and plan on what steps you want to take in order to turn those goals into a reality.

Make a gratitude list or journal:

Practicing gratitude is a great way to increase the positivity and resilience of your mindset. There is usually no right way to do this – you could make a gratitude list, or gratitude journal, or just take time to sit and think about it. The act alone of taking time to reflect on the things you’re thankful for can help improve your mood and overall well-being. If you’re thinking of doing this, consider not just doing it on Sundays, but a quick 5 minutes at the end of each day, or first thing in the morning, to set a positive tone for each day ahead.

Read a non-fiction book about personal development:

Reading books about personal development is a great way to gain insights and strategies for improving your life. Whether you’re looking to improve your relationships, your career, or your overall well-being, there’s a non-fiction book that can help. In addition to reading helpful content, make sure you are able to understand how you want to use it. Consider setting aside time each week to read and reflect on what you’ve learned, and apply the insights to your own life.

Time with Loved Ones:

self care Sunday ideas

Spend time with family or friends, either in person or over the phone:

Spending quality time with the people you love is one of the best ways to boost your mood and reduce stress. You could meet up in person or chat on the phone, but whatever it is, connecting with family and friends can be a great way to relax and recharge. The best part about this is that spending some quality time with the people who matter most to you doesn’t require actual “plans”. You can simply get together and do just nothing!

Plan a fun outing or activity with your significant other:

Spending time with your significant other can be a great way to bond and create new memories. Go for a hike, visit a museum, or try a new restaurant. Planning some quality time together by getting out of the house can be a great way to casually celebrate your relationship.

Volunteer at a local organization to give back to your community:

Volunteering can be a great way to give back to your community and make a positive impact. It’s can be a great way to connect with others, do something meaningful, and feel good about yourself. The options here are also endless – helping at a local food bank, assisting at a pet shelter, or working at a community garden are a few ideas that may be perfect for your self care sunday!


Treat yourself to a gourmet meal or dessert:

Spoil yourself with a delicious meal or sweet treat. Whether you’re dining at a fancy restaurant or whipping up something special at home, taking the time to savor the flavors and indulge can be a wonderful way to treat yourself.

Rent a movie and have a movie marathon with friends or family:

Gather the people you love and settle in for a movie marathon. This is a great way to bond with those closest to you, whether it’s friends, family, or your significant other. Choose a few of your favorite films, grab some snacks, and get comfortable for a cozy day in.

Try a new hobby or craft, such as knitting or photography:

Trying out a new hobby or craft is a great way to challenge yourself and have fun. Whether it’s knitting, photography, or something entirely different, dedicating time to learning something new can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Not only will you have the satisfaction of learning a new skill, but you might even discover a new passion.

Make a Special Cup of Coffee (or Tea):

Taking the time to enjoy your favorite beverage is a simple but effective way to treat yourself. Have a cappuccino, latte, or if you’re not a caffeine lover, drink a comforting cup of tea. Just make sure you savor the moment and enjoy the taste. You may have coffee or tea every morning before work, but this is a little different. By consciously taking time to enjoy your drink, you can slow down, relax, and recharge.

Buy yourself cozy socks and a sleep mask to improve relaxation:

Investing in your comfort and relaxation is a great way to make your self care routine even better – shopping, but without the guilt, since it’s justified as an investment! Treat yourself to some soft, warm socks and a comfortable sleep mask to make your self care Sunday even cozier. With that kind of atmosphere, you’ll be able to fully unwind and recharge, making it a more effective and enjoyable experience.

Creative Pursuits:

Write a poem or story:

Unleash your imaginative side through writing. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned scribe or a newcomer, putting pen to paper and allowing your thoughts to soar can be a delightful way to express yourself. Not only does it offer an avenue for self-expression, but it can also serve as a therapeutic outlet for emotions.

Take a photography class or go on a photography walk:

Capture life’s beauty – enroll in a photography course or hit the streets with your camera and start snapping away. Not only will you grasp the technical aspects of photography, but you’ll also have the opportunity to view your surroundings from a fresh perspective. Whether you’re preserving memories through landscapes or portraits, taking photographs is a fantastic way to store memories and special moments.

Try a new art form, such as pottery or painting:

Delve into your artistic side. Give pottery or painting a try and see where your creativity takes you. With every brush stroke or mold of the clay, you’ll be able to express yourself in a one-of-a-kind and meaningful way. Create a masterpiece or simply have fun. But trying a new art form can be a fantastic way to practice self care .

Watch a cooking show and cook what the host is making:

Find inspiration in the kitchen. Look for a cooking show that speaks to you and cook alongside the host. You’ll not only learn new recipes and cooking techniques, but you’ll also get to prepare a delicious meal for yourself. Watching a cooking show and cooking what the host is making can be a great way to sample new foods and enhance your culinary skills.

Preparing for the Week Ahead

Start a Self-Care Planner

Prioritize your well-being. Keeping track of your self-care activities and progress can help you stay motivated and on track with your goals. Whether you choose a physical planner or a digital one, having a designated place to record your self-care practices can help you make the most of your self-care routine.

Make Goals for the Week (or Check-in)

Set achievable targets. Look to try new self-care activities or simply make time for existing ones, but either way, setting goals can help you stay focused and committed to your self-care routine.

Take a few minutes each week to check in with yourself and see how you’re progressing. This will help you reflect on what’s working and what’s not, and make any necessary adjustments to your self-care plan.

Go to bed early and set a wake-up time for the week ahead

Prioritize sleep. Getting adequate sleep is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. By going to bed early and setting a consistent wake-up time, you’ll be able to establish a sleep routine that works for you. This, in turn, can lead to improved mood, increased energy, and enhanced overall health.

Meal prep with your favorite foods

Nourish your body but also comfort your mind. Prepping your meals in advance both saves time and reduces stress, and it ensures that you have healthy, wholesome food on hand at all times. Meal prepping with a healthy meal is a great idea for your Sunday afternoon to prepare yourself for staying on track and feeling energized throughout the coming week.

Planning Your Self Care Sunday: Next Steps

Now that you have a wealth of self care Sunday ideas, it’s time to put your plan into action. Here are some next steps to help you get started:

  1. Choose your activities – Decide what self care Sunday ideas resonate with you the most and make a list of the ones you’d like to try. Remember, your self care routine should reflect your needs, values, and interests, so choose activities that feel good to you.
  2. Schedule your activities – Block out time in your calendar for your self care Sunday ideas. Whether it’s an hour or two, or an entire day, make sure you have dedicated time for self care. You can also choose to break up your activities throughout the week if a full day of self care feels overwhelming.
  3. Prepare – Make sure you have everything you need to make the most of your self care Sunday ideas. For example, if you’re planning a yoga or stretching session, make sure you have a mat and comfortable clothes. If you’re planning a relaxing bath, make sure you have Epsom salts, essential oils, and a candle or two.
  4. Eliminate distractions – Self care time should be dedicated time for you to relax, recharge, and unwind. To help you make the most of your self care sunday ideas, eliminate distractions, such as turning off your phone or closing your email. (Consider taking a digital detox)
  5. Reflect on your experience – After your self care day, take a few minutes to reflect on your experience. What did you enjoy most? What didn’t work so well? Use this information to adjust your self care routine in the future.

Remember, planning your self care Sunday is an important step in prioritizing your well-being. By taking the time to choose your self care Sunday ideas, schedule your time, prepare, eliminate distractions, and reflect on your experience, you’ll be setting yourself up for a successful and enjoyable self-care routine. So go ahead, take the first step towards a healthier, happier you and start planning your self care Sunday today.